Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Consequences of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a medical condition that many people suffer from at different ages. Most of the people that have suffered from PTSD have done so due to a major trauma that occurred at some point in their life. Even though the trauma could have happened months or even years earlier, the symptoms can come back when an event or the anniversary of the trauma triggers the memory of the traumatic event. Some of the traumas that cause post-traumatic stress disorder are rape, death of a family member, veterans that have fought in a war, a car accident, or even a child being attacked going home. People living within the same household of a PTSD victim, that goes without treatment, are at risk of becoming under such stress that they too are possible victims of PTSD. PTSD can happen to any person that suffers from any kind of trauma, and they need to talk to someone or get help from a professional to help them deal with the situation. Although talking to a profess ional will not make the client forget the trauma, it may help the person be able to continue to cope with their everyday life and activities. Post-traumatic stress disorder was not recognized by psychiatrists or psychologists until the 1980s. The psychiatrists believed that the noncombatant clients were creating makeshift realities in order to avoid facing the harshness of everyday life. After the Civil War when a veteran complained about heart pain, the psychiatrists referred to the pain asShow MoreRelatedThe Consequences and Effects of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder on Soldiers Returning Home from Deployment2394 Words   |  10 Pagesa Solder Returning Home Deployment Name Institution Date P.T.S.D Influence Family a Solder Returning Home Deployment Introduction The consequences of P.T.S.D (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) are limited to varied scales of human behavior and experiences in life. 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