Saturday, December 28, 2019

Similarities Between The Great Gatsby And The American Dream

Many Americans have a strong opinion on the realism of the American dream, it is possible through wise choices and having will power, one can achieve the American dream. The idea of this dream goes back to the time where the first settlers from Europe came to the new world. Most of these settlers believed that if they worked hard in this new place they will soon harvest the benefits of it. The American Dream mainly attracts immigrants from different parts of the world where their customs and traditions are different from the American lifestyle. Some of the country’s most successful people are the ones that have immigrated to the United States and worked hard and their work paid off. There will be critics that would argue that the American†¦show more content†¦He would save money and create a company that would do electronic stock trades and with that he founded the Interactive Brokers Group. Peterffy is believed to be worth about $12 billion dollars and it is a true success story. This person is the American Dream and how he went from having nothing and not speaking English to someone who has billions of dollars in his name. There are other people who have similar stories like Elon Musk, who is the founder of SpaceX and PayPal.(Burke, 6 Immigrant Stories That Will Make You Believe In The American Dream Again) One of the founders of Google was Sergey who is worth $37.5 billions and there are many others who immigrated to America in a pursuit of this dream and they made it.(Burke, 6 Immigrant Stories That Will Make You Believe In The American Dream Again) One of the main point that society can take away from the story is that by working hard and smarter one can accomplish anything they want if they put all their effort into it. In addition, the main goal for most, if not all immigrants is to have a better life when they move into the United States. The American Dream in the perspective of an immigrant is valued because it shows how the people are willing to leave their homeland with all their customs, culture, and traditions to go into a place that is pretty much unknown to the person. To a place where the person might not know the language, the people, theShow MoreRelatedComparison of the American Dream in The Great Gatsby and â€Å"Winter Dreams†953 Words   |  4 Pagesof â€Å"Winter Dreams† was written around the same time that Fitzgerald was developing ideas for a story to turn into a novel. While The Great Gatsby wasn’t published until 1925, â€Å"Winter Dreams† dà ©buted in 1922 and the similarities between the novel and short story were done on purpose. â€Å"Winter Dreams† became a short draft which Fitzgerald paralleled The Great Gatsby after, but also differe ntiated the two in specific ways (â€Å"Winter Dreams† 217). 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In 1920’s early settler’s rooted to the United States Declaration of Independence who demonstrates that â€Å"All men are equal†. The dream of a land that life can be better place that is richer and fuller for every man that givesRead MoreNeuman Malik. Ms. Vritsios. Eng3Uo. Apace Behold Dives.1550 Words   |  7 Pagesapace behold dives The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald and Life of Pi by Yann Martel are great novels which share common themes. The main characters of the novels are Gatsby and Pi, they share common goals. Gatsby and Pi go through isolation and put out love with hope to achieve the American dream. Gatsby and Pi are characters who never give up in achieving their goals. â€Å"Inside every rich man is a poor kid that followed his dreams.† Quote by Sandile Shezi. 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We see when we compare the novels that culture and values have evolved but themes and issues challenging society in the 1920’s world of The Great Gatsby, are still present seventy years later in the 1990’s world of Fight Club. The Great Gatsby is about Ameri ca’s decline and the fall of the American dream with the struggle of the classes, and Fight Club is the continuationRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald1036 Words   |  5 Pagesis seen as nothing but bloodshed. However, for many this allows them to shine in a way that they could not back at home. In The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, it is placed in the post war era. Gatsby, one of the main protagonists, is a war hero that fought in World War I. World War I is important to The Great Gatsby due to how integrated it is to the past of Gatsby and F. Scott Fitzgerald. In the beginning, Fitzgerald had many people in his life that played an influential part in his literary

Friday, December 20, 2019

Carl Jung s Theories And Theories - 1200 Words

Carl Jung was one of the main theorists in the Psychodynamic field and created his own theory, psychoanalysis. Jung was a student of Freud and his theories and ideas very much align with Freud’s theories. The similarities are evident in Jung’s ideas of unconsciousness, his theory of the libido, and is his notions of archetypes. The main difference is that Jung emphasized other factors besides childhood memories. He partly focused on future aspirations and also delved into the supernatural in his theories and ideas. Jung was one of the first to implement a theory on personality as well. To this day we still refer to Jung’s ideas of introversion and extroversion. Contemporary music has adopted facets of Jung’s theories in their†¦show more content†¦Jung’s psyche notion is broke into three parts: the ego, the personal unconscious, and the collective unconscious. The ego is the awareness of the person and includes memories, cognitions, and affect. The unconscious had a direct effect on personality in Jung’s eyes, and was broken down into two parts. The first part is the personal consciousness, this can contain personal information along with repressed or forgotten past experiences. One of the major parts of the personal consciousness is the complex. This notion is still referred to in the mainstream public and was a topic for many self-help books. The complex are the cognitions used on a particular topic, and the more emphasis put on the topic the greater the complex. The last part is the collective unconscious. This was brought about by Jung’s research into the Native Americans, the supernatural, and through dream analysis. This level of unconsciousness is shared throughout humanity and can explain why the same motifs are found in dreams from people who do not communicate with one another. It is comprised of all the human experience from the present to our ancestral past. It very much has an evolutionary aspect in that experiences that our ancestors may have incurred are embedded deep within each person’s consciousness as a totality of the human experience. Archetypes are any artifacts, cognitions, or instances from our cultural past that tend to show up

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Macbeth Story Essay Example For Students

Macbeth Story Essay In the story MacBeth, many things change throughout the story. The settings,clothing, and weather are just some of the noticeable changes that the readersees during the story. One of the most noticeable changes that the reader seesas the story goes along, is the change in the characters actions, opinions, andattitudes. The characters change due to what has happened around them and whathas been said to them. MacBeth changes in his actions and his attitudethroughout the story. In the beginning of the play, MacBeth is content with hisstatus. He is the Thane of Glames. He has a great reputation among his peers andhis followers. He has many friends, including a good friend named Banquo. He isa loyal subject to the King and he would do nothing to displease him. The Kingactually holds MacBeth with high regard, as he is about to proclaim him theThane of Cawdor. He would fight and die for the King. He is happily married tohis wife Lady MacBeth, who is sane at the time and they live their live s simplyand happily. As MacBeth and his good friend Banquo are returning from a battlewhich they have won they come across three witches. The witches tell MacBeth andBanquo about their destinies. MacBeths destiny is to become the Thane ofCawdor and later become the King. Banquos fate is to have his sons becomeKings. This is where MacBeth becomes corrupted by his own ambition. Thewitches prophecies make MacBeth wonder about the future. He thinks about what itwould be like to be King but he does not plan to take any action on it. Banquo,on the other hand, realizes that the witches prophecies must be hiding a trickbut MacBeth is ignorant and refuses to accept that. Banquo decides not to trychange fate and he lets nature take its course. MacBeth and his partner incrime, Lady MacBeth, try to change the future by going on a bloody and savagemurder spree. The try to change natures course. After hearing about his possiblefuture, he is startled when he come along MacDuff on his journey home. MacDufftalks to MacBeth and presents him with the name, the Thane of Cawdor. MacBeth isstarting to realize that the witches prophecies may have not have been bogus. Heonce again is wondering about what it would like to be King. His change incharacter is starting to become more apparent as he is pondering about owningthe throne. His thoughts are becoming corrupted by the thought of becoming King. Lady MacBeth does not help the situation. As MacBeth was a little ambitious atfirst, he is still not thinking about killing the King. Lady MacBethsambition of moving up socially far exceeds MacBeths. The thoughts of doingany immoral act to the King do not enter his mind until Lady MacBeth puts themthere. She keeps antagonizing MacBeth until he finally succumbs to her pressure. Her once shy behavior has become cold-hearted and deceitful and MacBeth has beensucked into her game. King Duncan stays at MacBeths castle, while MacBeth andLady MacBeth plot the Kings death. As MacBeth is going to kill the king, heis still a little hesitant, as he still has a little compassion and decency inhis heart. The killing of King Duncan is when MacBeth loses any feeling in hisheart and he will stop at nothing to be and stay King. All through the play thereaders notice MacBeths character change not just the way he thinks and whatthe reader hears from the play, but from the actions that MacBeth takes duringthe play. MacBeths character totally changes when he kills his good friendBanquo and attempts to kill his son. He has Lady MacDuff and her childrenmurdered to get under MacDuffs skin. These actions show MacBethsinsecurity while being King. After the Murder of King Duncan, MacBeth becomesparanoid and his first step of killing the guards is one of many that MacBethtakes to sec ure himself. This act also shows the cold-heartedness of MacBeth, ashe has to innocent mens heads cut off for his own benefit. MacBeth is alsovery superstitious and this is also shown when he believes the prophecy thewitches told him that Banquos offspring would become kings. This is why heattempts to murder Banquos son. Towards the end of the play when Lady MacBethhas died and the battle against MacBeth is reaching an end, MacBeth shows alittle decency in his heart. He wishes that he could live a normal life. MacBethsays that if he could lived a normal life, he would have lived an honorable age. .ueef1cfbe8b4228fbbdc9a27a89f7cd57 , .ueef1cfbe8b4228fbbdc9a27a89f7cd57 .postImageUrl , .ueef1cfbe8b4228fbbdc9a27a89f7cd57 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ueef1cfbe8b4228fbbdc9a27a89f7cd57 , .ueef1cfbe8b4228fbbdc9a27a89f7cd57:hover , .ueef1cfbe8b4228fbbdc9a27a89f7cd57:visited , .ueef1cfbe8b4228fbbdc9a27a89f7cd57:active { border:0!important; } .ueef1cfbe8b4228fbbdc9a27a89f7cd57 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ueef1cfbe8b4228fbbdc9a27a89f7cd57 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ueef1cfbe8b4228fbbdc9a27a89f7cd57:active , .ueef1cfbe8b4228fbbdc9a27a89f7cd57:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ueef1cfbe8b4228fbbdc9a27a89f7cd57 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ueef1cfbe8b4228fbbdc9a27a89f7cd57 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ueef1cfbe8b4228fbbdc9a27a89f7cd57 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ueef1cfbe8b4228fbbdc9a27a89f7cd57 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ueef1cfbe8b4228fbbdc9a27a89f7cd57:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ueef1cfbe8b4228fbbdc9a27a89f7cd57 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ueef1cfbe8b4228fbbdc9a27a89f7cd57 .ueef1cfbe8b4228fbbdc9a27a89f7cd57-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ueef1cfbe8b4228fbbdc9a27a89f7cd57:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: It was a dark and stormy Halloween night and Sal a EssayHe realizes that he denied himself this opportunity and that he let his ambitionget the best of him. He realizes that he will not be King forever and thatMacDuff is preparing to kill him. The witches prophecies have tricked MacBethinto thinking that he was invincible and that no one could stop him. Thatreality is halted when MacDuff kills him in a fight to the death. MacBethchanged from an honest and decent man to a cold-hearted killer. His characterhad many sides to it. He was strong physically and very weak mentally. Hisweakness caused his downfall, which eventually led to his death. Lad MacBethsambition also took c ontrol of her. She led MacBeth into going on a killingspree. MacBeths faith in the witches and his ambition in life is whatultimately changed him and led him to his miserable and wretched death. Bibliography http://www.english/literature/macbethShakespeare

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Romeo and Juliet Persuasive Essay Capulet Example For Students

Romeo and Juliet Persuasive Essay Capulet There are many reasons to the tragedy of William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet. However, the major person to the tragedy of these lovers was Capulet, Juliets own father. He brought the death of Juliet by forcing her to marry Paris, separating her from Romeo, and rejecting Juliets own decisions. One reason Capulet made the situation worse was because he was making Juliet marry Paris, who she did not love and Capulet also separated her from Romeo, who she did love and it because he separated them that caused Juliet to die. Go ask his name. If he be married. My grave is like to be my wedding bed. Juliet wanted Romeo and would die if she could not have him. This contributed to her death because her life wasnt worth living if she could not have the only person she loved, and he was the person she lived for. And with this knife Ill help it presently. God joind my heart and Romeos, thou our hands and ere this hand, by thee to Romeo seald, Shall be the label to another deed. Separating her from someone that she truly loved was a dangerous act to do because it had influenced her die. Juliets description of what she would do if she could not be with Romeo had displayed her true love for him and her intentions of death if she was separated from him. Through out this, Capulet didnt even consider of what Juliet thought and it hurt Juliet. Although Capulet wanted the best for Juliet, he did not give a thought on how she felt and had forced her to marry Paris that caused problems that led to her tragic end. Juliet didnt want to marry Paris, and because of her own father, Juliet committed suicide to stay with Romeo forever. Of my childs love: I think she will be ruled. In all respects by me nay, more, I doubt it not. . Capulet response when Paris asked for Juliets hand in marriage is selfish and Capulet did not even assume how Juliet would respond. Then Capulet said To go with Paris to Saint Peters Church Or I will drag thee on a hurdle thither. Capulet forced Juliet to marry Paris and if Capulet did not do that, Juliet would be happy and she would be alive. Juliets arrangement to Paris had brought her death because it had resulted in the potion plan that had caused Romeo and Juliet to die. It was this rejection from Capulet, her own father, which played a crucial part in Juliets death. It was not hard to see the cause of Juliets loss after she was forced to marry someone she didnt love, and then separated from someone she did love, and rejected by her own father. It was complete unawareness not to be able to separate that Capulet is the one to blame for the  loss of Juliet. His relationship with his daughter was one that did not work properly and had caused Juliet pain. In the end, her suffering had led onto her death which had made everyone suffer, including friends and foes.